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Why draw clitoris?

      When I started drawing clitoris in 2019, I realized that only few people knew its anatomy. While anyone can draw a penis, while it's eveywhere on city walls, school tables, public toilets doors, many people still don't know how to draw the clitoris. This observation leads us to a larger issue that I try to answer through my drawings : the unequal access to sexual health, especially for people with a vulva.

By dint of drawing, I also noticed that there is a very strong need in schools. In France, three sessions per year are planned for sexuality education and prevention, but they are rarely planned because no one wants to provide them. Most of the time, sexual health issues are relegated to biology classes and only deal with biological aspects through cold and soulless scientific drawings. The content that I propose thus attempts to link knowledge about the clitoris to issues that go beyond physiology (eg consent, gender, gender inequalities, etc.) through a different aesthetic, based on pop culture, language games and comics.

Today, thanks to the work of scientists and feminist activists, enormous progress is observed in the knowledge of the clitoris (anatomy stabilized in 1996, 3D modeling in 2016, integration into a school textbook in 2017, etc.). However, the delay is such that scientists are still working to clarify its anatomy and functioning. These controversies have the effect of blurring knowledge and creating a great deal of misinformation on social networks and in the media. When we know that the Internet has become the primary information base, this is very problematic. Being an illustrator, but also trained in the analysis of controversies (PhD in Sociology of Science), I offer verified content, which takes into account current scientific uncertainties and can be supplemented by situated knowledge.


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